Listen to conversations about yoga research, exercise science, and more me and Jules Mitchell.

Are you trying to make sense of all the conflicting narratives about fitness? Learn how to ground your teaching practice in science-based research instead. The Yoga Research & Beyond Podcast helps yoga teachers and fitness professionals discern popular messages about the benefits and dangers of how our bodies move. Co-hosts Ariana Raven (Rabinovitch) and Jules Mitchell discuss published research on yoga and exercise, challenge dominant trends about the human body, and teach research literacy in a fun and engaging way.

This is the full archive of the podcast which I started in 2015 in order to share engaging discussions about WHY and HOW teachers teach yoga and movement. In the first 47+ episodes I interviewed authors, biomechanists, physical therapists, pilates teachers, rolfers, chiropractors, yoga teachers, anatomy teachers and more.  Episodes after #47 feature discussions about published research on yoga and fitness.

