Episode 58
The Value of Blowing
Up a Balloon
Breathing is a hot topic for yoga teachers and fitness professionals. Jenn Pilotti and I talk about a study on the 90/90 breath technique with ball and balloon. Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) practitioners use this exercise to help people of all ages with musculoskeletal pain, including low back pain. We discuss the relationship between breathing and posture and how they might affect low back pain.
We stray away from idea of ideal breath and posture, but adhere to idea of efficiency
The ZOA (zone of opposition) and the relationship of the ribcage to pelvis
The balloon provides resistance. It’s like weight training for your diaphragm
Correction: We incorrectly referred to the Buteyko breathing method as similar to the 90/90 technique. Buteyko is a completely different therapeutic method that focuses on nasal breathing with controlled pauses.