Episode 46
Dan John - Body Mind and Soul
Dan John has been lifting weights since 1965 and coaching for more than 30 years. He holds the American record in the Weight Pentathlon event, won the American Masters Discus Championships several times, and has competed in Olympic weightlifting and the Highland Games.
Dan has a common sense approach to fitness that appeals to most of the strength coaches and trainers that I know. We talk about strength training for women, mindset in competition, why he hates terms like cardio, core and functional, the cult of stretching, the goblet squat and more.
The idea that we have 609 muscles is out. We have one muscle.
5 fundamental human movements: push, pull, hinge, squat, the loaded carry. and the 6th movement which is everything else.: integrity with vertical environment - brachiating, and with the horizontal - tumbling, bear crawls, cartwheels, etc. People fall in love with the 6th movement too much.
It’s easy to get men to lift weights. It’s easy to get women to stretch. The opposite is what’s needed. Men need more mobility and women need more strength.