Episode 45
Charlie Reid-Real World Advice for Real People


Charlie Reid and I talk about strength and mobility training, some research behind the The Biggest Loser, how most commercial group fitness just makes people tired not better, thought viruses that need to go away, fitness candy, and one-legged cable McTwisty presses. Yup.


  • "Strength training should be simple and progressive over time. Movement should be exploratory and fun and infinitely as creative as possible. If they’re not getting stronger or improving in some kind of capacity or not improving movement quality then I don’t know what they’re working on."

  • "If mindfulness is the goal then technically any movement can be yoga."

  • "I gave up on yoga. I’m tired of talking about chakras and energy. Can you tell me something about physiology so we can have a conversation? It’s like going into a chamber orchestra and you’re like, yeah I only read tabs so I don’t actually read music. Yeah, well you're in the symphony so you’re going to have to learn how to use it. Why should training, pilates or yoga be any different? We should all have a common language so that we can communicate with each other as professionals."