Episode 13
Matthew Remski
Matthew Remski is a Writer, Therapist and Yoga Asana Teacher working on an inspired book project called “WAWADIA: What Are We Actually Doing In Asana?”. He and his wife, Alix Bemrose (also a yoga teacher), started contemplating this question recently and then decided to open it up to a broader discussion within the yoga community. The response has been unwavering. Matthew has compiled more than 100 interviews with yoga practitioners and teachers about their yoga-related injuries and stories of recovery. This is no small task! Especially when yoga is promoted and touted as a de facto therapeutic physical practice. As you can imagine, the topic can be sensitive for many, but it's incredibly worthwhile at the same time. We stand to come out on the other side of this more informed and more equipped to teach MPY (Modern Postural Yoga) to the general population.
In Matthew's words (paraphrased), the WAWADIA book project will “use the injury and recovery stories of over a hundred interview subjects, [to] paint a lesser-seen portrait of a culture struggling to both understand and fulfill its healing promise, and [provide] a map for how it can intelligently evolve.”